Poteau Daily News

Woods running by Old Frisco Trail

Man of the Woods Experience

By PDN Sports Editor Tom Firme

Like most other people, I was sick recently. After a while of not doing much other than working and lying in bed and sipping hot water and soup, I finally returned to the outdoors on Wednesday and ran in the woods.

Well, it wasn’t exactly like running through the thickets. I did a couple of miles on the side trails of the Old Frisco Trail.

Those areas by the trail are kind of woodsy, but thin enough that one can see the people on the main part of the trail.

Conversely, anyone on the side trails can be seen. Thus, don’t think about evading any trail rules.

Also, signs are posted on the side trails expressing that horseback riding is not allowed on them.

Besides, those trails are too thin to bring a horse onto.

The side trails still look very nice in the winter.

A few of the trees have tiny green leaves on them, as though they refused to give them up during the course of the warm winter.

Wednesday morning saw 55-degree weather, but I was still wearing a hoodie and sweatpants while getting my legs back in motion for the first time in almost two weeks.

That was a blessing to experience a couple of hours before a cold hit rolled in early that afternoon.

One of the best things about going on the side trails must be going under the bridge and watching the water trickle along the stream. The water glimmers just right in certain spots where the sun peeks through trees.

When Josh and Kristin Snyder spoke to the Poteau Kiwanis Club last summer, Josh mentioned that mountain biking on the side trails is fun. If I had a bike, I might.

By the way, Panama baseball head coach Chris Gollihare confirmed that the team’s big buck contest will be judged on Saturday at its field. Look forward to seeing the winners on next Thursday’s outdoors page.

Recycle. Save the world. Find me a trail. Have a great weekend.






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