Poteau Daily News



By Holiday Write Holiday Mathis at HolidayMathis.com. COPYRIGHT 2021 CREATORS.COM

Domestic Moon

Your body, clothes, home, neighborhood and everywhere you go in the world is an environment covered with great focus under the Cancer moon. Your preferences, comforts and the aspects of your environs that give you ease or restriction will stand out as something that requires your effort. Maintain what’s working and change what’s not.


(March 21-April 19). Being appreciated for your image and not your essence is still being appreciated. It’s not ideal, but this is power nonetheless, and you can use it to get closer to what you really want.


(April 20-May 20). You can make things happen with your mind, but do it with your whole self instead or you’ll miss out on the best parts. Without a physical component, experience is like a dream, easily forgotten by first light.


(May 21-June 21). What’s less relaxing than someone telling you to relax? Less responsible people are usually the ones saying it. Sometimes, life warrants a reaction! You’ll relax when you’re good and ready, after the situation is handled.


(June 22July 22). Be careful what you attach your emotions to now because the information will be neutral until someone starts taking things a certain way. When your identity isn’t wrapped up in the situation, it’s easy to perform well.


(July 23-Aug. 22). This isn’t a rut. This is dormancy. Just because the action isn’t showy like a flower or juicy like fruit doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Like a seed, you’ll conserve energy until better cultural conditions come around.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Let the others pontificate and wax philosophical. You get the gist of what’s going on and that’s all you need to know to act. The winning move is practical, swift and complete.


(Sept. 23Oct. 23). The world is complex, and nothing is effectively assessed by itself. The larger context not only matters, sometimes it’s everything. Your sophisticated mind can make room for several conflicting ideas at once, no problem.


(Oct. 24Nov. 21). Others will be inspired by the way you execute your plans. They will be motivated to apply your example in their own lives. Does it fortify you to know that you elevate the group just by being your best self?


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Here’s a rule of adulthood you have to remind yourself of from time to time (as it goes against what you once believed) and that’s the liberating truth that life doesn’t have to be fair to be good.


(Dec. 22Jan. 19). Everything good will be accomplished by simply knowing the next right thing to do and then doing it. Distractions will abound. Don’t let them get in the way. Turn off notifications.


(Jan. 20Feb. 18). When stressors have your mind racing forward and backward, the present moment, though ever-present, can seem somehow distant. Focus on the sight, sound and feeling of right now.


(Feb. 19-March 20). There are those who would indulge you -- not what you want. You’d rather be challenged and sharpened by the people around you. You’re skeptical of flattery and prefer the company of those whose attention you must earn.


(June 12). Without seeking power you will have it because of how people see you. It’s wonderful to be needed and wanted. You’ll know what it’s like to have people fight over you. There will be great joy in an endeavor that allows you to help others find and develop their gifts. You’ll make money when others apply your teaching. Libra and Capricorn adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 22, 8, 17, 18 and 40.


“I’m a Pisces, and I’ve fallen for an Aries. This person doesn’t know my feelings. We are both involved in other relationships. But something happens whenever we work together. It’s a powerful click. He seems to know what I’m thinking. He answers questions I didn’t even ask out loud, but really wanted to know. He does silly things just to make me laugh. He says he loves hearing the sound of my laugh. No one has ever said that to me before, certainly not my current partner. When I know that I am going to see him or be near him, I get a stomachache that doesn’t go away until he leaves. What does it mean? Were we meant to be together? I do love my current partner -- a Capricorn. But this Aries feels like destiny.”

Pisces, as the sign of spirit, you can truly understand how humans can enjoy all kinds of energetic combinations without taking things to an inappropriate place. In other words, celebrate the special friendship, working relationship and synergy you have with this person and don’t try to make it more than it is. Not everything is about running off and starting a life with someone. Sometimes it’s just about enjoying a moment of connection, appropriately for the circumstance you’re in.


Among the most impactful personal diaries written in this world, “The Diary of Anne Frank” chronicles the days of a young girl who lost her life in World War II. Frank believed to the end in the inherent goodness of people, even as evil and prejudice were all around her. A Gemini with Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini as well, even death couldn’t keep Frank from communicating her story.






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